Friday, December 15, 2006

Good morning, Your Highness...

Recently, while away from home to conduct a hypnosis seminar in Florida, I stumbled upon a very powerful technique which I would like to share with you. I was in the bathroom one morning getting ready for the seminar. I had my travel toiletry bag with me. Somehow the thought entered my mind that I was a prince.

Perhaps it was due to the wonderful hospitality extended to me by my friends John and Ann whose house I was staying at. As I reached for my travel shaving cream from the bag, I noticed that the bag was some material other than leather. I had never really noticed the type of material of the bag.

In that moment I thought to myself, "Would a prince settle for this bag?" I know it sounds a bit odd, but keep in mind that I wasn't completely awake yet and was entertaining a fantasy in my mind. I allowed my mind to wander even more at that point. As I shaved, I thought of numerous situations and things in my life and put them to the same test, "Would a prince settle for that?"

As I went through each item in my mind (relationships, vehicle, furniture in my house, quality of time I spend alone, etc.) I simply asked myself if a prince would settle for that. Several items did not pass the test, so I decided on a plan of action to bring them in line with my prince-like vision.
What if you were a prince or a princess? How would you expect to be treated? How would you treat YOURSELF? Would you remain in an abusive relationship? Would you settle for anything less than the very best you can achieve? Or would you demand positive, powerful changes in your life immediately?

Maybe you would start treating people with more respect and expecting the same in return. Maybe you would update your wardrobe, take yourself on a relaxing cruise, or buy yourself that new vehicle.

I found the "royal fantasy" to be a fun, simple, and powerful way to get some new distinctions in my mind about what is and is not acceptable to me in my life. I hope you give this a try one morning. That is an excellent time for it because you are still in alpha (the lightest state of hypnosis) after you get up and before that shower, coffee, etc. In this state, you can allow your mind to wander freely without the logical part of your mind stopping you. Try it, your highness...

Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist


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